The Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation in cooperation with
the Swiss Society of Hematology
5th Hematology Research Grant
The Hematology Research Grant will be offered to support a research project performed in a research center in Switzerland. The area of support is basic and clinical research in the whole field of Hematology (Transfusion medicine, Hemostasis, Benign and Malignant Hematological Diseases). The project has to be supported by the institution in which the research will be performed.
The maximum amount the foundation grants is CHF 200’000 yearly and is given to one or several projects depending on their quality.
Application deadline: 31 March 2024
The application for funding has to meet to the following formal requirements (→ PDF Requirements):
- covering letter of the applicants. In this letter the applicant has to give the list of other support(s) for the project.
- project description including the time-line of the project and a one-page summary (max. 5 pages, font: Arial; font size: 11 pt; line spacing: 1.5)
- budget form
- CV and list of previous publications of the applicants
- letter of commitment regarding financial, personal and material support by the responsible and conducting institution signed by the person in charge of the institution
- compeleted form „basic data“
All requested documents must be in English language.
Applicants are requested to prepare one single PDF – File with all above items and to submit it by E-mail to
Furthermore a hard copy should be sent together with the application form to the Secretariat of the Foundation: Jacques und Gloria Gossweiler Stiftung, Taubenstrasse 8, Postfach, 3001 Bern, Switzerland.
The Hematological Scientific Advisory Board of JGGF is presided by Prof. Dr. med. André Tichelli.
For further details visit: