JGGF – Research Fellowship Award

Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation in cooperation with
the Swiss Society of Hematology

6th Hematology Research Physician-Scientist Fellowship Award

The yearly JGGF Hematology Research Fellowship Award is granted to any physician-scientist in postgraduate training in hematology to become a specialist in hematology of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH). The goal is to enable young, gifted individuals to start their hematological research career. The expectation is that this grant will provide the basis for subsequent other competitive funding as e.g. funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Swiss Cancer League or the like. The project has to be performed in a recognized Hematology training center in Switzerland.

The award of CHF 50’000 is granted for one year and is meant to cover 50% physician-scientist protected research time. The remaining salary gap must be ensured by the training center in which the research will be performed. Grant renewals might be given upon exceptional performance.

Application deadline: 31 March 2025

Please visit the website of the Jacques and Gloria Gosweiler Foundation for more information: https://www.jggf.ch/en/hematology-research/research-award

The Hematological Scientific Advisory Board of JGGF is presided by Prof. Dr. med. André Tichelli.